00:39:07 Heather, Prov V, she/her: https://www.provincev.org/migration.html 00:44:48 Mark McKelvey: Thank you! 00:47:49 Machelle West: I can hear what is being said, but I can not respond because, I am having problems with the audio when speaking on the laptop computer Thank you 00:49:19 Lesley MacKellar (Indianapolis) she/her/hers: Michelle - currently we are all on mute. Hopefully your audio will work when we get to Q&A. If not, feel free to use CHAT 01:11:36 Ellen Lindeen: Jack - I don't see the link? 01:12:19 Heather, Prov V, she/her: Here’s Jaime’s church: https://stmichaelangels.org 01:14:54 Cynthia Doucet: Thank you so much, you are all an inspiration. We're in process of bringing an unused rectory up to code, and though it will be later in the year when we should be able to house a family, I'd love to learn how Rev. Jaime's church identifies the families who are blessed to live there. Thank you! 01:15:13 Ellen Lindeen: What is the link for the Sanctuary Task Force for Province V? 01:15:29 Heather, Prov V, she/her: Migration Ministry Network: https://www.provincev.org/migration.html 01:15:34 Jack Lloyd: Link for Asylum-Seekers Emergency Fund contribution: https://episcopalchicago.wufoo.com/forms/r1mufr2f0hu98p3/ 01:15:53 Ellen Lindeen: Thank you! 01:20:33 Mark McKelvey: Can a few of you board members share your contact info so we know with whom and how to follow up? 01:21:22 Heather, Prov V, she/her: Mark - to whom would you like to be connected? The Province V network (Jack) or a the leaders in Chicago (Jaime and Sandra)? 01:22:55 Robert Batpr: St. Paul and the Redeemer Church has a Migrant Support Program. 01:23:38 Ryan Bailey: Reacted to "St. Paul and the Red..." with 👍🏻 01:23:43 Lesley MacKellar (Indianapolis) she/her/hers: Thanks Robert. Where is St. Paul and the Redeemer Church located? 01:24:00 Mark McKelvey: How about all 3? I’m at St. John’s on the NW side of the city and appreciate any contact info. Thank you! 01:24:08 Robert Batpr: Kenwood in Chicago 01:24:50 Heather, Prov V, she/her: Replying to "How about all 3? I’..." @SANDRA CASTILLO and @The Rev. Jaime Briceno 01:25:17 The Rev. Jaime Briceno: Replying to "How about all 3? I’..." jbriceno@stmichaelangels.org 01:26:48 Jack Lloyd: Replying to "How about all 3? I’..." jack.lloyd@earthlink,net 01:26:56 SANDRA CASTILLO: My contact information is sca652@yahoo.com 01:27:19 Mark McKelvey: TY! 01:31:38 The Rev. Jaime Briceno: Reacted to "St. Paul and the Red..." with 👍🏻 01:32:23 Lesley MacKellar (Indianapolis) she/her/hers: Inspiring words Sandra. 01:33:30 Macellee West: Thank you for sharing! 01:36:20 SANDRA CASTILLO: Thanks for hosting the webinar. 01:36:39 Ryan Bailey: Reacted to "Thanks for hosting t..." with 👍🏻 01:36:50 Tina Main: Thank-you everyone. This was very informational. 01:37:50 Lesley MacKellar (Indianapolis) she/her/hers: Many thanks to Jack, Jaime and Sandra. Very useful.